Wednesday, July 31, 2013
How to Make Domino’s Thin-Crust Pizza at Home
As a New Yorker, I catch a lot of flak when I tell people I like Domino's pizza. Living in a city where some of the best pizza in the country is just around the corner from my apartment, people find it hard to believe that I'd stoop to such a level, not to mention doing so as a person who is deeply passionate about food, cooking, and the quality of ingredients. But I need everyone to hear me out.
It's not that I love Domino's, and that I'd eat anything and everything on their menu. There's one thing in particular that I like from Domino's; one thing and one thing only that makes me confident enough to be able to say, "Yes, I am ordering Domino's for dinner tonight."
That one thing is their thin crust.
The concerning mysteries surrounding the nutrition of the pizza, and, well, some of those judging looks I get every time I admit to eating one, eventually made me want to try to make one at home. I knew it wouldn't be easy, because as I said before, Domino's thin-crust pizza is a distinctively unique dish that only tastes the way it does because it's Domino's, but I decided to give it a try.
I had a little help with my recipe. With research and studying the chemistry of dough and baking, I was able to determine how to get that thin, cracker crust. The sauce, though, is less about structure and more about taste, and when I was doing my research, I learned that our friend Todd Wilbur, expert recipe cloner, had already done some of the legwork for me. Wilbur replicated a Domino's pizza on his show Top Secret Recipe, and to do this he visited Domino's headquarters in Ann Arbor, Mich., and developed a recipe with the help of a food scientist from University of Michigan. In the end, he won the challenge, and fooled one judge in a blind taste test. Luckily for me, he agreed to share his recipe.
It still doesn't taste like Domino's, though - I mean, how can it? - but I'm not too sure that's such a bad thing.
Domino's Thin-Crust Pizza Recipe
For the sauce:
1/2 cup canned, crushed tomatoes
1 cup tomato purée
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon plus 1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 tablespoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon ground oregano
1/8 teaspoon dried basil
1/8 teaspoon dried marjoram
Pinch of ground cayenne
For the pizza dough:
2 cups high-gluten bread flour
3/4 cup warm water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, plus more if needed
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dried marjoram
For the sauce:
Make the sauce by combining the crushed tomatoes with tomato purée in a blender. Blend on medium speed for 30 seconds. Combine tomato sauce with other sauce ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat. When the mixture begins to bubble, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and cool, then chill in a covered container until you make your pizza.
For the pizza dough:
Mix the dough together and let it rest in the refrigerator overnight.
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees an hour before you begin assembling the pizza.
Bring the dough to room temperature and roll it out into a very thin, round crust. Dock the dough but using a dough docker or poking it with holes using a fork. Bake the crust for 4 minutes before topping with the rest of the ingredients.
Mix together the cheese and dried herbs. Place on top of sauce and bake the pizza for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese is bubbling and the crust is golden brown.
Recipe Details
Servings: 8
Total time: 24 hours
Cuisine: American
Notes and Substitutions:
Special thanks to Todd Wilbur of Top Secret Recipes for his pizza sauce recipe, and Emily Jacobs of Sage Recipes for helping test this recipe.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Wendy's Customers Defend Server Against Bully, Get Frosties and Food
By Erika Ostroff, Shine Staff | Living Well (30072013)
Bullying may conjure up images of school kids ganging up on each other on the playground, but adults are guilty of partaking in the nasty practice too – on the Web, in the workplace, and even at restaurants. Luckily, some bystanders aren't looking the other way anymore.
When two New Jersey teens overheard a cashier getting an unfair earful from a customer, they spoke up. And it not only felt good, but tasted good, too.
On Sunday, Kailee Whiting, 19,shared her story on Reddit, writing: "Stood up for an innocent employee at Wendy's who was being bullied by a customer. She gave us free frosties and chicken nuggets." Whiting also posted a photo of the two shakes sitting atop a piece of paper that read, "You guys are AWESOME. (Hope you like vanilla.)"
More on Yahoo!: Rise Up Against Bullying: Think About This
"I thought it was really sweet of the cashier,” Whiting's girlfriend, 18-year-old Katie Light, told Yahoo! Shine. “It was nice to know that she was happy that we stood up for her. Karma gave us something back."
The two Rowan University students were standing in line waiting for their food at a Wendy’s restaurant in Franklin, New Jersey, when a woman in front of them started yelling at the cashier. There had been a power outage 20 minutes earlier, causing a backup in the kitchen, so things had become a bit hectic behind the counter. According to Light, the customer yelled, "If you weren’t ready to take my order, you shouldn’t have called me up!"
"We were very shocked that an older woman would even be so immature," Light explained.
More on Yahoo!: Bullied N.Y. Bus Monitor Teaches Kindness a Year Later
Whiting, who works in retail and at a diner in Sussex County, New Jersey, could empathize with the cashier; she explained to the displeased woman that working in the food industry is difficult and that the cashier was doing her best. Her words, however, weren’t so well received. The woman shoved her hand in Whiting's face and told her to "shut up and stop talking," according to Light.
"When we got our food, the cashier smiled and said, 'Here’s your chicken nuggets.' She gave us a free 16-piece chicken nuggets even though we didn’t order any. And when we were done, she came out with a tray of two Frosties just as a nice gesture … like, 'Thank you for standing up for me.'"
The couple later found out that the frustrated woman called to inform the manager that the cashier gave away two free Frosties, but the manager reportedly didn't mind.
And standing up to bullying has become a wider movement in recent years, with a much greater outcome than just getting some free fast food. In 2011, 14-year-old Jonah Mowry’s YouTube videodescribing his despair over being bullied for being gay went viral. It has received nearly 11 million views to date and has caught the attention of celebrities like Lady Gaga and Jordin Sparks. He recently posted a follow-up clip in which he illustrates how much his life has improved thanks to the support he received because of the original video.
That same year, the Weinstein Company came out with an award-winning documentary, "Bully," that exposes teen bullying throughout schools in America. Since its debut, a number of anti-bullying campaigns, projects, and support groups have been created.
And in 2012, Michigan sophomore Whitney Kropp was elected homecoming queen, but her peers made fun of her on Facebook and the elected homecoming king gave up the crown. When a local Michigan resident found out, she created a Facebook page (that has since received more than 90,000 "likes") to support Whitney, spread the story beyond the small town, and launch a fund to send Whitney to the dance.
The lesson here? It never hurts to speak up, and you'll probably feel rewarded, free meal or not.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Tempat kerja berpotensi untuk gemuk?
Pasti ramai yang tidak mengetahui bahawa pejabat adalah tempat berpontensi untuk anda gemuk. Ini kerana terdapat banyak sebab berat badan anda boleh naik ketika berada di pejabat. Salah satunya anda menumpukan sepenuh perhatian dan tenaga yang banyak pada pekerjaan yang dilakukan menyebabkan anda cepat berasa lapar.
Menurut sebuah buku 'The Snack Factor Diet', ketika anda lapar, gula darah akan rendah dan ini akan menyebabkan anda tidak mampu berfikir dengan baik. Ketika inilah, anda akan berusaha mencari makanan atau snek.
Makan tengahari di luar juga boleh menjadi masalah kepada anda kerana anda tidak tahu berapa kalori yang anda makan. Oleh itu, ia akan menjadi punca kepada masalah berat badan kepada anda.
Di sini kami ingin berkongsi langkah-langkah untuk anda mengatasi masalah ini dan mengubah pola hidup yang lebih sihat.KURANGKAN MAKANAN RINGAN
Walaupun snek seperti biskut dan kerepak memberi tenaga tetapi ia turut menyimpan lemak yang tidak diperlukan. Anda boleh bawa snek sihat dari rumah seperti buah, yogurt atau kacang.KURANGKAN TEH ATAU KOPI
Minum teh atau kopi sebanyak dua jam sekali atau berlebihan adalah tidak elok. Ia akan membuatkan anda merasa gelisah, mudah marah, dehidrasi dan menganggu pola tidur. Gantikan minuman ini dengan pilihan minuman lain yang lebih sihat dan kurang gula seperti teh hijau, air limau nipis atau jus buah.MINUM BANYAK AIR MINERAL
Walaupun anda akan sentiasa keluar masuk ke dalam bilik air, tetapi jika anda minum air mineral yang banyak anda akan dapat mengelak dari mendapat sembelit, gangguan pencernaan, dehidrasi, meningkatkan rasa lapar dan kulit kelihatan kusam.ELAK MAKAN MALAM
Makanlah di restoran bersama kawan selepas habis masa kerja. Jika tunggu sehingga sampai rumah, rasa lapar akan datang pada waktu malam. Jika anda betul-betul lapar, makanlah sayuran atau beberapa jenis makanan yang kaya dengan protein. Elakkan makan nasi atau roti sebelum tidur.ELAK MAKAN BANYAK PADA HUJUNG MINGGU
Sukses menjalani diet selama hampir seminggu tidak bermakna anda boleh makan sepuasnya pada hujung minggu. Lakukan rawatan di spa, membeli novel atau menonton wayang yang lebih menyenangkan sekaligus menjaga berat badan anda.
Diharap dengan tip-tip yang diberikan ini dapat membantu anda dapat menjaga kesihatan tubuh badan anda. Selamat mencuba!
Menurut sebuah buku 'The Snack Factor Diet', ketika anda lapar, gula darah akan rendah dan ini akan menyebabkan anda tidak mampu berfikir dengan baik. Ketika inilah, anda akan berusaha mencari makanan atau snek.
Makan tengahari di luar juga boleh menjadi masalah kepada anda kerana anda tidak tahu berapa kalori yang anda makan. Oleh itu, ia akan menjadi punca kepada masalah berat badan kepada anda.
Di sini kami ingin berkongsi langkah-langkah untuk anda mengatasi masalah ini dan mengubah pola hidup yang lebih sihat.KURANGKAN MAKANAN RINGAN
Walaupun snek seperti biskut dan kerepak memberi tenaga tetapi ia turut menyimpan lemak yang tidak diperlukan. Anda boleh bawa snek sihat dari rumah seperti buah, yogurt atau kacang.KURANGKAN TEH ATAU KOPI
Minum teh atau kopi sebanyak dua jam sekali atau berlebihan adalah tidak elok. Ia akan membuatkan anda merasa gelisah, mudah marah, dehidrasi dan menganggu pola tidur. Gantikan minuman ini dengan pilihan minuman lain yang lebih sihat dan kurang gula seperti teh hijau, air limau nipis atau jus buah.MINUM BANYAK AIR MINERAL
Walaupun anda akan sentiasa keluar masuk ke dalam bilik air, tetapi jika anda minum air mineral yang banyak anda akan dapat mengelak dari mendapat sembelit, gangguan pencernaan, dehidrasi, meningkatkan rasa lapar dan kulit kelihatan kusam.ELAK MAKAN MALAM
Makanlah di restoran bersama kawan selepas habis masa kerja. Jika tunggu sehingga sampai rumah, rasa lapar akan datang pada waktu malam. Jika anda betul-betul lapar, makanlah sayuran atau beberapa jenis makanan yang kaya dengan protein. Elakkan makan nasi atau roti sebelum tidur.ELAK MAKAN BANYAK PADA HUJUNG MINGGU
Sukses menjalani diet selama hampir seminggu tidak bermakna anda boleh makan sepuasnya pada hujung minggu. Lakukan rawatan di spa, membeli novel atau menonton wayang yang lebih menyenangkan sekaligus menjaga berat badan anda.
Diharap dengan tip-tip yang diberikan ini dapat membantu anda dapat menjaga kesihatan tubuh badan anda. Selamat mencuba!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
House In The Middle Of A Motorway
The Worst Location for a House: the Middle of a Motorway - When the local government of the city of Wenling, China, decided to build a new motorway, they offered all residents occupying the land, relocation compensation. However, this elderly couple refused to move as they felt that the offer was too low to cover the cost of rebuilding. As a result, the motorway was built around their home and the house now stands right in the middle of the newly built motorway. Cars traveling on the road are forced to drive around the stranded building.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Rising Tide Takes Teenager's Car Out to Sea
Apparently, in England, you can park on the beach. However this doesn't come without a few risks. 19 year-old Andy Laird left his vehicle on the beach in Burnham-on-Sea, went for a picnic and then came back to find it three feet underwater. Check out this bizarre rescue effort and let's hope Andy has learned his lesson about tides, the moon, and nature overall.
Monday, July 22, 2013
TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS: Maria.
TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
____________ _________ _________ _________
TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I.'
MILLIE: I is..
TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'
MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'
TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.
TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher
Tips to improve Fuel Economy
Here are some very good tips on improving your vehicle's Fuel Economy / Increase Fuel Efficiency / Mileage. With increasing fuel prices it is becoming more and more prudent to use them.
Use your gears wisely.
Driving in the highest gear possible without labouring the engine is a
fuel-efficient way of driving. A vehicle travelling at 60kmph in third gear
uses 25 percent more fuel than at the same speed in fifth gear
Drive smoothly
Think ahead! By applying light throttle and avoiding heavy braking, you can
reduce both fuel consumption and wear and tear. Try to predict traffic at
junctions and when in queuing to avoid accelerating and then braking.
Research suggests driving techniques can influence car fuel efficiency by as
much as 30 percent.
Switch off your engine
There are two schools of thought on this one. Switching your engine off for
short periods of time can actually increase fuel consumption, as it requires
more fuel to get the engine started. Also your catalytic converter will no
longer be running at full temperature and so your car will be less
efficient, increasing the amount of pollution you cause. However if you are
stopped for more than a few minutes then your car will simply burn less fuel
with the engine stopped.
Drive off promptly to prevent wasting fuel
Don't leave your engine running when you first start up. Drive off straight
away if you can, but drive gently until the engine has reached its normal
operating temperature. This doesn't increase fuel efficiency as such, but it
does mean your engine is switched on for less time.
Driving in the highest gear possible without labouring the engine is a
fuel-efficient way of driving. A vehicle travelling at 60kmph in third gear
uses 25 percent more fuel than at the same speed in fifth gear
Drive smoothly
Think ahead! By applying light throttle and avoiding heavy braking, you can
reduce both fuel consumption and wear and tear. Try to predict traffic at
junctions and when in queuing to avoid accelerating and then braking.
Research suggests driving techniques can influence car fuel efficiency by as
much as 30 percent.
Switch off your engine
There are two schools of thought on this one. Switching your engine off for
short periods of time can actually increase fuel consumption, as it requires
more fuel to get the engine started. Also your catalytic converter will no
longer be running at full temperature and so your car will be less
efficient, increasing the amount of pollution you cause. However if you are
stopped for more than a few minutes then your car will simply burn less fuel
with the engine stopped.
Drive off promptly to prevent wasting fuel
Don't leave your engine running when you first start up. Drive off straight
away if you can, but drive gently until the engine has reached its normal
operating temperature. This doesn't increase fuel efficiency as such, but it
does mean your engine is switched on for less time.
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Lighten your load
Think carefully about what you need on a journey. if you do not need
something, do not pack it. Remove roof racks if not needed. The lighter the
load, the lower the fuel consumption, and emissions, and the higher the fuel
Tyres effect fuel efficiency
It is estimated that about 50% of tyres on the road are under inflated.
Aside from increasing the rate of wear, this wastes fuel and decreased your
fuel efficiency. Check your tyre pressures every fortnight. Worn tyres will
also decrease fuel efficiency (and your safety!), so check the tread
regularly. If you are replacing tyres then consider some of the newer 'Eco'
tyres that are designed specifically to increase fuel efficiency.
Car Windows
Driving with your windows open drastically reduces your fuel efficiency, far
more so than putting the air conditioning on when motorway driving. So in
those hot summers(?) preferably keep the windows shut, and the air
conditioning on if you want to keep cool. Of course the air conditioning
decreases fuel efficiency too, so try not to over use it.
Invest in a new fuel efficient car
New cars come in all shapes and sizes, but it is possible to pick a new car
that can greatly reduce your fuel bill, and your fuel emissions.
Size matters. Choose an economical car - small cars use far more fuel
efficient and produce lower emissions than large cars.
Drive the most fuel-efficient car that meets your needs. Compare models and
classes. Even similarly sized cars can vary in fuel efficiency by up to 45%.
Consider diesel engines (with a particulate trap), and LPG (Liquefied
Petroleum Gas) and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) fuelled cars - all have
lower CO2 emissions than standard petrol cars.
Consider 'hybrid' vehicles - they combine a conventional engine with an
electric motor and battery. These offer reduced fuel consumption and CO2
with potentially lower emissions of all pollutants.
Diesel Engines
If your going to buy a diesel, ensure it is a new 'common rail' type, as
these are approximately 10% more efficient than older diesels. also replace
(or clean if applicable) air cleaner elements as often as is required by
your vehicles servicing schedule.
Regluar Maintenance maintains fuel efficiency
Air Filter:
One of the most common reasons for a drop in fuel efficiency is a dirty
intake filter. This will decrease the amount of air entering the cylinders
of the engine resulting in incomplete combustion. Check the filter regularly
to ensure that it is clean.
Spark Plugs
Ensure your spark plugs are in good condition. Renew the plugs and wires at
intervals specified by the owners manual. This will keep all cylinders
firing properly resulting in higher efficiency.
Think carefully about what you need on a journey. if you do not need
something, do not pack it. Remove roof racks if not needed. The lighter the
load, the lower the fuel consumption, and emissions, and the higher the fuel
Tyres effect fuel efficiency
It is estimated that about 50% of tyres on the road are under inflated.
Aside from increasing the rate of wear, this wastes fuel and decreased your
fuel efficiency. Check your tyre pressures every fortnight. Worn tyres will
also decrease fuel efficiency (and your safety!), so check the tread
regularly. If you are replacing tyres then consider some of the newer 'Eco'
tyres that are designed specifically to increase fuel efficiency.
Car Windows
Driving with your windows open drastically reduces your fuel efficiency, far
more so than putting the air conditioning on when motorway driving. So in
those hot summers(?) preferably keep the windows shut, and the air
conditioning on if you want to keep cool. Of course the air conditioning
decreases fuel efficiency too, so try not to over use it.
Invest in a new fuel efficient car
New cars come in all shapes and sizes, but it is possible to pick a new car
that can greatly reduce your fuel bill, and your fuel emissions.
Size matters. Choose an economical car - small cars use far more fuel
efficient and produce lower emissions than large cars.
Drive the most fuel-efficient car that meets your needs. Compare models and
classes. Even similarly sized cars can vary in fuel efficiency by up to 45%.
Consider diesel engines (with a particulate trap), and LPG (Liquefied
Petroleum Gas) and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) fuelled cars - all have
lower CO2 emissions than standard petrol cars.
Consider 'hybrid' vehicles - they combine a conventional engine with an
electric motor and battery. These offer reduced fuel consumption and CO2
with potentially lower emissions of all pollutants.
Diesel Engines
If your going to buy a diesel, ensure it is a new 'common rail' type, as
these are approximately 10% more efficient than older diesels. also replace
(or clean if applicable) air cleaner elements as often as is required by
your vehicles servicing schedule.
Regluar Maintenance maintains fuel efficiency
Air Filter:
One of the most common reasons for a drop in fuel efficiency is a dirty
intake filter. This will decrease the amount of air entering the cylinders
of the engine resulting in incomplete combustion. Check the filter regularly
to ensure that it is clean.
Spark Plugs
Ensure your spark plugs are in good condition. Renew the plugs and wires at
intervals specified by the owners manual. This will keep all cylinders
firing properly resulting in higher efficiency.
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Lube Oil:
Change the lube oil at intervals specified by the owners manual. Use the
recommended oil only especially in newer cars. Use of an engine flush before
changing the oil will help to get rid of a lot of the dirt that collects in
the engine that a normal oil change will not remove. On older engines it is
advisable to use an oil treatment agent. This basically thickens the oil
which creates a better seal between the piston and the liner, preventing
blow past and consequent loss of combustion pressure, resulting in higher
fuel efficiency.
Exhausts alter fuel efficiency
Most cars have special sizes for the exhaust. When cars are reasonably old
the silences has to be changed. The garage people always try to fit a size
that they have in the garage it self. Which might not be the exact size
recommended for the car. The wrong size a bigger or smaller silencer size
effects on the MPG of the car and the HP of the car. It may be cheaper to
put another size than your recommended size for your car but on the long run
it will cost you in many ways, especially on fuel consumption. Always put
the recommended size of the exhaust that is indicated in your car manual
because the car company knows how to optimize the performance of your car.
Change the lube oil at intervals specified by the owners manual. Use the
recommended oil only especially in newer cars. Use of an engine flush before
changing the oil will help to get rid of a lot of the dirt that collects in
the engine that a normal oil change will not remove. On older engines it is
advisable to use an oil treatment agent. This basically thickens the oil
which creates a better seal between the piston and the liner, preventing
blow past and consequent loss of combustion pressure, resulting in higher
fuel efficiency.
Exhausts alter fuel efficiency
Most cars have special sizes for the exhaust. When cars are reasonably old
the silences has to be changed. The garage people always try to fit a size
that they have in the garage it self. Which might not be the exact size
recommended for the car. The wrong size a bigger or smaller silencer size
effects on the MPG of the car and the HP of the car. It may be cheaper to
put another size than your recommended size for your car but on the long run
it will cost you in many ways, especially on fuel consumption. Always put
the recommended size of the exhaust that is indicated in your car manual
because the car company knows how to optimize the performance of your car.
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